Drøbak Akvarium (Aquarium)

City: Drøbak
Country: Norway
Province: Akershus  

Opend 1995


Species 100


Here you can find most of the Olso fjords 100 inhabitants as lobster, catfish, cod, etc. in 25 different pools and aquariums make their home in the country's richest sea in both the species and quantities. Aquarium also has a touch pool for children. In the local attractions include the world's only lutefisk museum, where images and objects of sea creatures.

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Last visit 2014

Drøbak Akvarium
Postboks 193
1441 Drøbak


Phone nr  64 93 50 87

Open minimum 10am-4pm



Entrance fee

  • Adult 100 NOK
  • Child 50 NOK
You are paying to mashines, so please have exact change or a valid credit or debit card
After paying the entrance fee you are standing in front of a display over Lutefisk. A traditional dish made from aged stockfish and lye.  In the touchpool in the samme room you meet cod which is mostly used for this dish. In the next room are several small aquariums with sea stars and lump suckers among others. Following is a room with a touchpool, where kids can toch mussels and sea stars. In the last room you again have a large tank with several nordic fish

DE: Dieses kleine Aquarium zeigt die Fische der norwegischen Küste. Es hat auch eine kleine Ausstellung über Lutefisk ("Laugenfisch"), einer tüpischen norwegischen Spezialität

DK: Dette lille akvarie viser fisk fra den norske kyst. Der er ligeledes en lille udstilling om lusfisk
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